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About year 1 .. semester 1

 My first semester was very good. I face some problem to do the assignment, because I have to do three assignments for each course. My first expireinse in practsim was very nice. i went to kg , i love children , i  had a nice time with them and they love me. Those are some reflection about practism. 



Um Ghafa Kg

Um Ghafa Kg

My class

My class

My class

My class

My class

My class

My class

My class



When children hear the bell voice they clean up their centers.

Common area

Common area

There is a large carpet, smart board and small table for the computer. Children take the lesson in common area and sing.

Reading Centre

Reading Centre

There is a stories and games like puzzle, cubes. There is a carpet so they sit and read or play.

Writing Centers

Writing Centers

There are small boards, markers, and papers. Children practicing to type the letters and words.

Writing Centers

Writing Centers

They made an UAE traditional clothes.

Art center

Art center

There is a watercolors and wood colors, Colored and white papers, scissors And other. Children draw and make simple things.

Art center

Art center

They made UAE flag

Art center

Art center

Her they made a sun and it is my first work with them.

computer center

computer center

Children play music and play games.

Drama center

Drama center

There is kitchen, small carpet and clothes. Children they pretend the mother, father and sons.

Dough area

Dough area

There is sand and clay. They play by sand and make shape by sand and clay.



Children loves to play her.They make shapes by sand.

Water area

Water area

There is a fund of water and the teacher put the letters on it. Children can have fun and in the same time they learn the letters.

Math class

Math class

They learn the numbers from 1-20. Also, they learn how to count the numbers.

The library

The library

Children loves library because it has many books and many activities to do.

The restaurant

The restaurant

They had a breakfast in 10:45

Burqa Comptation

Burqa Comptation

In the morning they made a burqa competition between classes.

Al Ain Palace museum

Al Ain Palace museum

When to Al Ain Palace museum, it was a nice trip and children learn many traditional things.

Al Ain Palace museum

Al Ain Palace museum

It is a Sheikh Zâyed bin Sulṭân Âl Nahyân car.

Al Ain Palace museum

Al Ain Palace museum

That is a water well, people used to get water from there.

Al Ain Palace museum

Al Ain Palace museum

Al Ain Palace museum

Al Ain Palace museum

That is the board.

Al Ain Palace museum

Al Ain Palace museum

This is a old school, children used to study her.

Secondary school

Secondary school

We went to secondary school to made a traditional show for them.

Last day

Last day

I built that with girls

2014-11-20 12.01.13.jpg

2014-11-20 12.01.13.jpg



i like this boy.

Writing letters

Writing letters

i like this method.

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