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Observation Task 5: Literacy Software /Web based Programs

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Age Range

Links to the ADEC Curriculum

Links to Multiple Intelligences


3-7 years

Communication, Language and Literacy

Topics covered include reading and language skills like phonics, letter recognition, rhyming, written communication and vocabulary.



Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy

Early maths skills include number recognition, same and different, quantities, size and shapes.



Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Children can work in pairs, take turns and cooperate to od same activity in this software.



Knowledge and Understanding of the World

Use a mouse and keyboard to interact with age-appropriate computer software to support their learning. Also, it’s support touch screen. 

Communication, Language and Literacy

Topics covered include reading and language skills like phonics, letter recognition, rhyming, written communication and vocabulary.



Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy

Early maths skills include number recognition, same and different, quantities, size and shapes.



Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Children can work in pairs, take turns and cooperate to od same activity in this software.



Knowledge and Understanding of the World

Use a mouse and keyboard to interact with age-appropriate computer software to support their learning. Also, it’s support touch screen. 

Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence

well-developed verbal skills and sensitivity to the sounds, meanings and rhythms of words.


Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

The activities develop their ability to think conceptually and abstractly, and capacity to discern logical and numerical patterns.


Interpersonal Intelligence Capacity to be self-aware and in tune with inner feelings, values, beliefs and thinking processes


Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

Develop their motor skills when they using

the keyboard and mouse.


Visual-Spatial intelligence

The activities include a lot of pictures and visual things.



They are leaning new thing through the website, include the technology knowledge. 

This software package is very easy to use and clearly supports learning across domains in the preschool. Moreover, the website is free and that’s make available for every one.

Reflections on Observation Task 5: Literacy Software / Web based Programs

Were there any literacy software / web based programs used in the classroom? If there were, select (a); if there were not, select (b).

Provide at least two (2) literacy / web based programs that the teacher can use to help assist her students in developing their early literacy skills.



Oxford owl (Ages 5 & Under)

It’s has a lot of eBook with their activity. The student can read the story or hear.

After they finish reading or lesson they will find two activities about the story. The activities measure the children understanding and the teacher can see their rustle. The website has an activity about phonemic awareness, letter knowledge and phonics.


# ABCmouse (Ages 2-7)

Its increase a child’s oral vocabulary by stories, songs and rhymes, and talk about the meanings of words, games and puzzles. Phonemic awareness and letter knowledge development hundreds of songs and rhymes, plus games and puzzles to help children practice recognizing the sounds in words. 

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