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Three observation Task Reflections 

  • Reflections on Observation Task 1: Chit Chat


  • What was the most common reason for speaking?

The student used to speak when the teacher asks them questions. They were interacting with her.


  • What was the least common reason for speaking?

When they in the carpet, they used to speak to each other.


  • How much of the lesson was spent on the teacher using ‘Teacher Talk’, in your opinion?

The teacher used to speak to the student in the carpet (during the lesson). In the centers, she gave them comments, because she wants them to work not to speak. After the center; she asks them to speak about the centers and what did they do there. Moreover, the young children listen and speak before they can read or write. 


  • Do you feel it was an appropriate amount of talk? Why / Why not

It is important to speak to KG1 student. The kg1 student needs to listen to the L2 because if they hear it a lot they will learn it quickly. The teacher spoke an appropriate amount. She pronounced the first letter in the word so they can learn the letter. Then, the sound of the letters. Finally, they will learn the word. This strategy is Scaffolding( Vygotsky).   


  • Now consider how much Arabic was used. Do you think it was used appropriately?

  • Why? / Why not?

I was observing two classes. Kg1.c the Arabic teacher used Arabic appropriately. She translated few words. The English teacher tried to explain the word in English if the students don’t understand the Arabic teacher translate the word. Kg1.F the Arabic teacher didn’t use Arabic appropriately. She translated each word that English teacher said. Sometimes, she asked the student to answered the English teacher question in Arabic then she will translate for them in English.  So in the class Kg1.c the students speak English more than Kg1.F because Kg1.c realize that know one will translate for them, so the have to try to speak in English. But in Kg1.F they speak in Arabic because the Arabic teacher will translate for them.


  • Why is talk important for teachers? Teacher talk is important because is developing the four domains of language: listening, speaking

Teachers need to model speaking for English language learners. 


  • Why is important for learners? (Think about the What and How.)

Talk is the foundation of literacy.



  • Why is it important to think about using English for varied purposes in the classroom? For example, not just for giving an example, but also for correcting, for praising, for everyday uses, like asking for help, or asking to borrow something?

Life experiences are important to learn the second language. Children understand the meaning and basic functions of the words by seeing the objects and people movement around them.


  • What role do you think Arabic should play in the English classroom?

Arabic teacher translates the words that the English can’t demonstrate for the student. So the student will learn quickly. Also, it is save the time, because the student with out the teacher helps will take a long time to understand the words.




  • Reflections on Observation Task 2: Reading a Story in the Local UAE Preschool


  • What preparation (i.e. pre-listening activity) did the teacher give the learners before they listened to the text?

She showed them pictures of the animals in the story the boat.


  • How did the pre-listening activity help students understand?

The pictures of the animals with the number made them to understand how many animals in the pictures. This pictures help them to knew what would be in the story.


  • What pre-listening activity could the teacher have used to help students understand the target language better?

 She must use picture to make them understand the words. Also, the songs help them to say the word, learn the sound of the word.  



  • Were the learners engaged in while-listening activity/activities?

She brined big bowl of water and start to put things that sink and float.



  • What were the aims of the while-listening activity/activities?

Show the learner how the things are sink and float.


  • What while-listening activity/activities could the teacher have used to help learners understand better what they were listening to?

I will play sink and float song first so they will know the words and the sound. Then I will do like my teacher did because I will ask them during the experiment, this sink or float. From the song they will answer me because they learn the words and the sound from the song.



  • Did the learners have a post-listening activity/activities? If they did, select (a); if they did not, select (b)

They liked the sink and float activity. The teacher putted water in a big box and she gave the students things that sink and float. The student started to put the things and they were discussed and gave suggested.



  • What were the aims of the post-listening activity/activities?

Show the learner how the things are sink and float in real-life because student learning by doing.


  • What post-listening activity/ activities might have helped the learners to understand what they had heard better?

When she putted box with water.


  • How many times did the learners listen to the text / recording? One time



  • Would it have increased their understanding if they had been allowed to listen to the recording again? Explain.

Because repetition is important for young children. Children understand more with the repetition.As  Skinner said children acquire the language by stimulus, response, repetition and habit formation.


Did the learners hear the whole text at once, or in parts? If so, which was the most helpful? 

She read the text in parts, I think it ok becuse she explain each part for the stusdnt. This mehtod help them to understand more. 











  • Observation Task 3: Managing Transition


I have learned a lot of strategies from my teacher during the practicum.One day my teacher was absent. I sat with children all the day, and I teach them, but with classroom assistant or Arabic teacher. When I sat with the children, they know me more. They like my teaching, and we had a lot of fun that day. I used to use all strategies that I learned from my teacher. When they have to line up, I clipped my hand and I said line up. The entire student come to me and lined. One student didn’t listen to me, I said” I love the way of hand, standing” and he came to the line. Moreover, when they eat the teacher allowed students to complete their lunch after they the time up. I didn’t do that with them after the time finish, I asked them to clean up and sited in the carpet. They didn’t listen to me for the first time. Then, started with their food in their bag if they didn’t listen to me, they feel sad. But, day after day they learned that they have to finish their food before the time up. In addition, the teacher has list of the student’s name. She called the student name to transit him to the center. But, I made transitions board. In this board they are the student’s pictures and center’s pictures. They teacher called four student to go to transitions board. They see their picture and center picture. The center that they see their picture they go forward.    









Lunch Time
Transition Board
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