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When I was in the TP each week my teacher wrote a question in the discussion board and my colleges and I answer this question...

  • Forum: week 1 discussion question


The principal asks you to supervise the children in the cafeteria during lunch. You have to make sure that the children eat as quietly as possible and that they do not throw their food. You also have to ensure that they all clean up after they have finished. You will leave the cafeteria only when it is clean. Do you think that it is the job of the classroom teacher to do this? Explain your answer. What would you do in this situation?


In my opinion, this is not my job to do this, I shouldn't be alone with the student, but I can help the teacher to do this job.  Children will learn from her to clean their hands before eat, sit quietly when they eat, clean up their place when they finish. Also, she will observe them and see the different between their behavior, personality in the classroom and outside.  Every day I suited with the children during lunchtime.  First, l let them wash their hands.  So children learned that our hands are not clean all the time, and we have to wash them.  Then the children went outside and suited nicely in the food table. I walked around them because sometimes they need my help to open their juice or sandwich, but, I teach them how to open it, so they will learn and depend on themselves.  Moreover when they clean up, there is two garbage; one for the food and the other for the tailings. From this, they learn that we shouldn't throw the food in the trash. I knew the children more, and they knew me when I suited with them at lunchtime.




  • Forum: week 3 discussion question


The teacher who you work with does not come to school one day. The principal asks you to take over the class and teach the students all day. Do you think it is your job to do this? Explain your answer. What would you do in this situation?


I will tell the principal that in the college,  I signed the paper includeØŒ "Never agree to teach a class alone and unsupervised". Also, the children aren't my responsibility. If something happens to the children; they will blame me. Moreover,  I will ask her to send me classroom assistant, and I will set and teach them. Last Thursday my teacher was absent. I set with children all the day, and I teach them, but with classroom assistant or Arabic teacher. When I set with the children, they know me more. They like my teaching, and we had a lot of fun that day. 






  • Forum: week 2 discussion question


The school has just had a special Art Day and you have been working all day and you are tired and you want to go home. At the end of the day, the principal asks you to help take down all the posters and the art work and to make sure that everything is back as it was before. Do you think it is the job of the classroom teacher to do this? Explain your answer. What would you do in this situation?


I will tell the principal that we have to keep student work so the children can see their work. Also, the teacher's job is to organize her class.​






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